Hello there! Welcome to my site and, most importantly, to my journey of learning HTML and CSS! I've always harbored a passion for creating my own website, from my younger days spent browsing Windows Live Spaces, forums, and image boards. I dreamed of one day having a site of my own. I discovered Neocities a couple of months ago and decided to give it a try at the end of my mid terms, so here we are! I'm grateful for anyone who will join me on this journey, and I can't wait to see where it’ll take me (:
About me:
I’m Teuta, a design and engineering student from East Europe, with many hobbies and so little time. One day, you might catch me knitting a cozy scarf, while the next, I'll be scaling a mountain while carrying one of my cherished cameras. However, if I had to choose which ones are the most representive I would say reading, sports and gaming. Although I'm swamped with uni work, as I’ve already said, I’ll always have time for reading a couple of pages, working out, watching my favourite team playing and trying to squeeze in some gaming time – though that's a rare treat these days. If you want to know more, I’m planning on updating the “about me” asap. See you around!