Finally uploading the site after the loooongest time! I can't believe I did it.
Even though I decided to learn HTML over a year ago, I didn’t really have the time to dive into it until I finished my thesis. What a journey that was!
I’m currently working on two (maybe three?) other sections for the site. I’m not sure how long it will take, but for now, I have this cute microblogging section to make it easier to upload content more often!
So much work! (๑ó⌓ò๑)
These past days have been incredibly busy! I’m getting ready for my graduation, which has basically meant running errands non-stop for the past couple of weeks. But I can’t really complain—I’ve also had plenty of free time for my hobbies.
Yesterday, I finally finished reading *The Well of Loneliness*! I had been putting it off for the longest time—the page count was a bit intimidating, haha—but it turned out to be great and surprisingly easy to read! I just wonder whether Radclyffe Hall actually believed in all the sexologist nonsense that was popular at the time and included in the book, and if so, to what extent. I know the novel has a lot of autobiographical elements, but I’m not very familiar with her as a person...
That said, it’s always nice to read about gender non-conforming lesbian women—representation in media is still so rare. I remember being sooo excited when I first read Stone Butch Blues!
I also got to play more of TLOZ: Echoes of Wisdom; I just defeated the Jabu’s dungeon boss. I’m absolutely in love with the art style! I think I’ll try "Link's Awakening" when I'll be done with this.
Tonight, I’m planning to start Lost Records: Bloom and Rage —I’m soooo excited! I’ve been waiting for it since 2023, and since I ditched social media, I’m completely spoiler-free. I’m also starting a new book: The File on H. by Ismail Kadare.