lore bits

As you can read in the introduction tab, I mainly decided to start a site because I'm tired of other social medias, feeding us with garbage content and using algorhitms to keep us all hooked to them.I found out about Neocities thanks to a dear friend of mine, who introduced me to the site.

I’m someone who’s always striving for self-improvement, shaping the best version of myself day by day. Over the past couple of years, I felt that mainstream social platforms were making me a more hateful and angry person.

But that’s not who I truly am at my core.

Over the past year, I’ve also been working on decentralizing technology from my daily life, and I’m proud to say that I’ve finally ditched my smartphone! I now use a Kyocera KYF39 as my main phone.

Beyond what I’ve already mentioned, the goal of this site is to share my passions. You can learn more about them below!

What I'm into:

For some reasons I always found incredibly hard to list my hobbies, partially because I suffer from the "too much things to do, too little time" syndrome, so I always feel like an imposter that doesn't put real time and/or effort in what I enjoy.

On the other hand, during my "adult" uni life, last 3 years or so, I had so little to zero free time. However, In summr 2023 I realized I really need a break from this "grindset" mentality I had because it was leading me to burnout. Going back on topic; here's what I like doing (when I'm not smashing my head against the wall bc of uni)

Reading:I've always read since I was a lil kid; I had the luck to live near a public library while growing up, and my mom used to take me there every week. Since then, I always have a book in my backpack (or on my kobo). My passion for reading is not limited to books, I'm also an avid reader of graphic novels, comics and mangas! You can find more about it in my "Favourite" section. I listed some of my favourite works for each media.

Gaming:I still remember the joy I felt when I received a gameboy, my first console ever, for Christmas back in 2006. Even though the first videogame I have ever played is DOOM (1993) with my dad. He used to be barely home bc of his job, spending time with him was a luxury and seeing him playing videogames was my favourite thing in the world. There a really old photo of me sitting on his lap while is on the computer and it doesn't fail to make me smile everytime. I love videogames, growing up as an only child was my biggest form of entertainment, alongside books.

Working out:I was a very active kiddo growing up! I played all type of sports: football, volleyball, basketball, karate, boxe and even more! In the last recent years I started hitting the gym quite regularly. I know it may sound silly but it also helped me a lot during hard times in my life, and also it helped me a lot with my self confidence. "When I flex I feel my best!", as the weird buffed planet on Omori said.

Crafting:I grew up surrounded by people who enjoyed some sort of hand-craft activity. My mom is being into embroidery and crocheting, my grandma loves knitting and my dad has always beign passionate about woodwork. Most of the furniture in my room was made by him! I started attendign a free decoupage class in middle school and, even though the creative aspect was very limitated, I enjoyed it so much I started also doing it at home. After 10 years or so I zig zagged through every crafty hobby you can think of: from crochet to diamond paiting, clayworking and so much more. My latest hyperfixation in that sense is 3D Printing; I bought a PLA 3D Printer (Neptune 5 Pro) with my dad last year. I'm a "Jack of all trades, master of none" because of my tendency to not stick on one thing only, but I must say I like this abou myself!

Movies:to be more specific: I'm particularly into italian neorealism, bergman existential movies and everything with lesbians in it honestly (especially if it's campy!). Feel free to ask for my letterboxd, I'm not a movie expert by any chance though!

Photography:during high school I took the habit of going for long walks and taking pics in my city, I took them with the smartphone I had at the time, which was a Huawei P9 Lite I got at the beginning of 2017. It was a really shitty phone, laggy and all, but I capture some great memories. In late 2018, my mind was set, "fuck it, I want a real camera". But as a high schooler with a very limited  budget I had to wait for months before being able to buy a second hand canon, to be precise I bought the in early 2019. It took a while to take the gist of it, I didn't know anythig about photography in the literal sense (I still don't, for the most) but as soon as I did I started having so much fun with it. During my first year of uni, in fall of 2021, I got into analog cameras mostly because I found an old Olympus point-and-shoot for cheap at a flea marekt and because  my university has a cool analog photo club. They gave you a 35mm film every month if you're part of it and then, at the end of the month you can develop the film in a black room we have in the Design department. Right now I mostly shot with 35mm or digicams, unfortunately finding good and interesting cameras for reasonable price has became harder and harder because of scalpers.

What I'm passionate about:

Another plan I have for this site is (hopefully) to start blogging about topics that are particularly meaningful to me for one reason or another. I’m currently working on a Blog section.

Some of the subjects I’d love to write about include (but are not limited to) motorsports, digital minimalism, physical media, history, art, design, and many more. I’d also love to share my favorite articles on these topics—I’m very passionate about spreading knowledge, as I know having access to it can be a privilege.

As the saying goes: 'So many things, so little time!' "For now, I’ll simply share my intentions about this.

Some of my fave things

I've always been passionate about archiving what I consume. I love the idea of having a personal 'library' filled with everything I love. Lately, I've been trying to collect more CDs (since vinyl prices have skyrocketed over the past five years) as well as DVDs.

Although this idea remains an ambitious project for now—given that I’m a student without an income—I wanted to create a digital representation of my ideal shelving unit, filled with all the media I have enjoyed the most


  • La Dolce Vita (1960), dir. by Federico Fellini
  • La Notte (1961), dir. by Michelangelo Antonioni
  • Mamma Roma (1962), dir. by Pierpaolo Pasolini
  • Persona (1966), dir. by Ingmar Bergman
  • Escape from New York (1981), dir. by John Carpenter
  • Scarface (1983), dir. by Brian De Palma
  • Good Fellas (1990), dir. by Martin Scorsese
  • Bound (1996), dir. by Lilly Wachowski & Lana Wachowski
  • Show Me Love (1998), dir. by Lukas Moodysson
  • But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), dir. by Jamie Babbit
  • In the Mood for Love (2000), dir. by Wong Kar-Wai
  • American Psycho (2001), dir. by Mary Harron
  • Kill Bill: Vol 1 (2003), dir. by Quentin Tarantino
  • Black Swan (2010), dir. by Darren Aronofsky
  • Tomboy (2014), dir. by Céline Sciamma
  • John Wick (2014), dir. by Chad Stahelski
  • The Handmaiden (2016), dir. by Park Chan-wook
  • Bottoms (2023), dir. by Emma Seligman
  • Nosferatu (2024), dir. by Robert Eggers


  • Utena (1997)
  • Perfect Blue (1997)
  • Dear Brother (1991-1992)
  • Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (1992-1997)
  • Card Captor Sakura (1998-2000)
  • Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
  • Nana (2006-2007)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009-2010)
  • Kill la Kill (2013-2014)
  • Little Witch Academia (2017)
  • Liz and the Blue Bird (2018)


  • Crime and Punishment, Fedor Dostoevskij (1866)
  • Siddharta, Herman Hesse (1922)
  • The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
  • The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger (1951)
  • Stone Butch Blues, Leslie Feinberg (1993)
  • The Country where No One Ever Dies, Ornela Vorpsi (2009)
  • Why Be Happy When You Can Be Normal?, Jeanette Winterson (2011)
  • My Year of Rest and Relaxation, Otessa Moshfeg (2018)
  • Bolla, Pajtim Statovci (2019)


  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1987-?)
  • Berserk (1989-?)
  • Dorohedoro (1999-2018)
  • Yagate Kimi Ni Naru (2015-2017)

Graphic Novels:

  • Watchmen (1986-1987)
  • Blankets (2003)
  • Are You My Mother? A Comic Drama (2012)
  • Kobane Calling (2015)
  • Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me (2019)


  • Silent Hill II (2001)
  • Devil May Cry (2001)
  • Pokémon: Ruby (2002)
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004)
  • Persona 3 (2006)
  • Lunar Knights (2006)
  • Assassin's Creed II (2009)
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (2010)
  • Dishonored (2012)
  • Bioshock: Infinite (2013)
  • Va-11 Hall-A (2016)
  • Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019)
  • Cyberpunk 2077 (2020)